Chris Holloman - The camera guy

A selfie while scouting a location for a portrait series at Percy’s Scenic Reserve - Wellington, NZ 2024


My profession…

As I ventured into photographing assignments in the early part of 2010, I didn’t know what sat on the horizon - and surely never anticipated that it would lead to a full time bread-winning adventure. I became more comfortable in that customer-facing environment and saw my focus begin to finetune itself, ultimately leaning into the culinary industry and marketing arenas. Editorial publications allowed me access to various restaurants and chefs that really inspired my thoughts about how to polish and make my work stand out. The story of how I landed my first food photo session is one I’ll always remember, but I’ll save that for another time - perhaps a blog.

My portfolio began to grow and so did the frequency of my assignments. I was feeling really positive about the jump out of a full time career position in graphic design and into the world of professional photography. I will say that the first time you recieve an email announcing that you’ve won an accolade from peers in your industry is extremely rewarding… The little things such as this let me know I was doing something right.

I continued my work up until the very last days of 2022 before finally returning home here to New Zealand, a place that I never wanted to leave… and a home that I’ve always dreamed of coming back to. Here I now am, starting a new chapter in my life, career and quality of existence! I highly recommend that everyone go through this or similar evaluation. It’s difficult and terrifying, but worth the effort.

Additionally, some graphic design samples can be viewed here:

The Honest Truth…

Having been behind a camera now for a total of 15 years (including my learning years), it’s taken me this long to begin to acknowledge the term ‘perfectionist’ and it’s influence on how I critique myself as a photographer. When with every press of the shutter button I find myself requiring absolute flawlessness, that becomes stifling, and to be honest, brutally overwhelming… If you have a craft you find yourself passionate about, you may experience similar pressure… maybe? Just a little? Perhaps the perfectionism doesn’t cripple you as much, but for me, it’s a very real thing. People also casually remark about imposter syndrome like it’s an alien fungus, but it’s on my regular diet plan. I consume it in quantity and on a daily basis. And there is the most important part of understanding my quirks as a photographer. You’re welcome.

Seriously though, these two traits combined have had a very heavy weight on me for most of my life when it came to creativity. As a youth I was more into illustration, and you’d be correct in assuming ‘photorealism’ as my style of choice. All the details had to be there. I was hyperfocused on being exact.

If you’re interested, I welcome your thoughts on this. You can DM me on Instagram on this subject if you relate or understand the driving force behind such a strict mindset.


I’ve always had a love for sports. As a boy, I gravitated towards athletics which would be a part of my life all the way to the university level. After a massive hiatus, I jumped back in as a 33 year old and couldn’t believe that I’d convinced myself to leave over a decade before. Being involved with the athletics club and learning under one of the best humans on the planet, I found myself entering into an unofficial coaching space. I learned more about the sport’s nuances as an adult than I ever did as an energetic youngster with athletic ability. Yes, if you’re inclined to wonder, I will compete again soon. The masters athletics scene here in New Zealand is sparse, but the community around it is very strong.

Mixed with spontaneous coffee drinking, I find myself easing around the Wellington area, it's beaches, cafes all the while enjoying the unique and very diverse cultural pool that this area has filled.

Say ‘HI’ anytime… my social media is primarily Instagram and LinkedIn (links in footer). Cheers!!