Jaclyn ‘The Warrior’

Jaclyn’s portrait as ‘The Warrior’ - © Chris Holloman Photography 2020

The Introduction

It was in early 2020, and I was invited to be a project photographer for the Inaugural Season of the EVOKE Warriors™ program.  This was a 6 month program centered around fitness and wellness exclusively for those who'd been diagnosed with any form of cancer, past or present.

I recall the first day of photography when the participants arrived for their 'Before' series of images.  The group was comprised of all women and included one male participant... the ratio is not important, but gives some context to the program's beginning. 

Some of the group had been previously diagnosed and now enjoyed experiencing full remission, others were in the midst of treatments... but they were willing to take on the challenge of improving their lifestyle to support their recovery.

Towards the end of the session, in walks Jaclyn. Frail and slow moving, she made her way  across the room, assisted by her cane. Her left side had been paralyzed as a result of her targeted immunotherapy treatments.  She had the kindest and most determined demeanor I think I've ever witnessed.  Having been diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastic Melanoma, her willingness to battle in the midst of this was inspiring to say the least.

She quickly became a person I admired. Her snappy wit and positivity put my own life in check many times. I grew to really appreciate seeing her perspective and tenacity.  She was a teacher, softball coach, wife and a mother to 2 young boys...She had everything to fight for - and she did.

The Concept

In May, just a handful of weeks after getting to know Jaclyn, I had an idea that I felt was a powerful representation of her.

I stayed away from the contrived and focused on what I'd personally seen in her... that was the relentless and persistent willingness to stand and fight for her life. The concept was simple... focus on that inner strength that seemed to exude from her.  Don't play on the crippling effects that the treatments had rendered.

I was nervous in approaching her about the idea, so I asked the program Director Mena Spodobalski about whether she felt it was an appropriate photo session to pursue.  With her blessing, I went to Jaclyn...and she was willing.

The Shoot

May 6th, 2021 something magical happened. I was staged and ready for her arrival after having bought some athletic tape, eye shadow and a spray bottle. With her right hand wrapped, some 'dirt' applied, the water beads sprayed for the affect, I positioned her and we started on a few test images.  The lighting was designed to push her left side into darkness. Hide the weakness and show the strength.  

It was less than 20 minutes in total and we got the photo.  You can feel those eyes speak with the strength that made up her core.

Jaclyn was happy with the outcome. Seeing her response made the session and results that much more satisfying and the session ended with what I feel had a sense of purpose.

We would end up using this image as the Reveal Gala program cover image, along with a series of other uses.  Her memory and that day hang on the wall of EVOKE Fitness in Reno, Nevada...

I haven't recalled the photo session until writing this photo essay today... I'm still very moved by the experience and I'm forever grateful for her.

In Memory

Jaclyn perservered like the warrior that this program is representative of. Life is always understated as a precious comodity, and in December of 2021, ALL who knew and cared for this lady felt the loss in her passing.

I don't know what lies beyond our life here on earth, but I choose to believe that she now looks over us all, offering us the same strength towards each of our own battles.

Kia Kaha, Jaclyn.

  • The collection of photos below are of Jaclyn during the Evoke Warriors Inaugural Reveal, the program’s celebration banquet that shared each of the participant’s journeys and gave honour to all those who took part.